It is a condition of Damon Runyon funding that all peer-reviewed articles supported in whole or in part by its grants must be made available in the PubMed Central online archive. PubMed Central is a database of full-text biomedical journal articles available online without a fee, hosted by the National Library of Medicine in the National Institutes of Health. Once posted in PubMed Central, results of research become more accessible, prominent, and integrated, making it easier for scientists worldwide to pursue biomedical research. It also makes this information accessible to Damon Runyon and its donors, as well as patients, clinicians, educators, students and others.
Damon Runyon award recipients are required to deposit an electronic copy of their final peer-reviewed manuscripts in PubMed Central immediately upon acceptance for journal publication and take the steps necessary to link that manuscript to the appropriate Damon Runyon grant. The manuscript is to be made publicly available in PubMed Central no later than 12 months after the official date of journal publication. This requirement applies to all Damon Runyon grants awarded after July 1, 2013.
Damon Runyon is part of the Health Research Alliance (HRA), a national consortium of non-governmental, not-for-profit funders of biomedical research and training. HRA has made arrangements so that PubMed Central will accept deposits of manuscripts and publications resulting from research funded by HRA memberorganizations.
All Damon Runyon award recipients are required to create an account with HRA through its Public Access Initiative. Someone from our awards team will be contacting you with information on how to create your HRA account.
Damon Runyon award recipients must acknowledge Damon Runyon support in every article arising from such funding. The acknowledgement statement must include the applicable Damon Runyon grant number. This will enable Damon Runyon to link the published outputs of research to the support it has provided.
The effective date is Damon Runyon grants awarded after 01 July 2013.
The manuscript version required is the final, peer-reviewed manuscript version.
The embargo period is no later than 12 months after the official date of publication.
The repository is PubMed Central (PMC).