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Audiology and Deaf Education

A guide for resources related to Audiology and Deaf Education.

What is Copyright?

 Copyright law gives an author of a work a bundle of exclusive rights to do and to authorize others to do the following with the work:

  • To reproduce the work
  • To prepare derivative works based on the work
  • To distribute copies of the work to the public
  • To perform the work publicly
  • To display the work publicly

Copyright is one of the areas of federal law that most directly affects the educational mission of the university. Faculty and students stand on both sides of the copyright equation. On the one hand, they create copyrighted works, e.g., papers, articles, software, and musical compositions, and they need to manage those rights properly. They need to know how to make those works available to the public, while ensuring that they retain the rights they need to engage in future activities.

On the other hand, faculty and students use copyrighted works created by others, and they need to make sure that their uses do not infringe copyright. Because faculty and students stand on both sides of this complex equation, understanding of the fundamental principles of copyright law is recommended.

For more information on copyright, please see: Author Rights and Copyright.