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E-books Tips and Hints

A guide to using e-book resources provided by the Bernard Becker Medical Library.


The Bernard Becker Medical Library provides a rapidly growing collection of e-books covering all subjects. Sometimes that variety and pace of change can make things a little complicated. If you're wondering how to get books on your mobile device or tablet, where you can go to find e-books, or if you can use our e-books offline, you are in the right place.

Responsible Electronic Resource Use

Access to the electronic resources listed on the Becker Library's website and catalog is restricted to current students, staff, and faculty for the purposes of research, teaching, and private study. Please see the Subject Guide Responsible Electronic Resource Use for more information and guidance.

Search for eBooks

You can search for eBook titles two ways:

Advanced Search in the Becker Catalog  

Enter search terms (keywords, title words, author, etc.) and limit the location to "An Electronic Resource" or limit the Material Type to "Electronic Resource" to view only eBooks and eJournals.

E-Books search 

Search by titles or ISBNs.   Also available are a browse by title or Medical Subject Heading.  Note: Use the Advanced Search method described above if you need to search by keywords or author.

Find more information about finding and accessing eBooks in the eBooks Tips and Hints Guide