NOT-OD-24-163 July 31, 2025
NIH will require all Senior/Key Personnel to enter their ORCID iD into SciENcv in the Persistent Identifier (PID) section of the Common Forms. Effective by May 25, 2025.
If you have not registered for an ORCID iD, please visit Registration and Delegates - ORCID - BeckerGuides at Becker Medical Library ( The full NIH notice can be found here.
Step 1: Set default data visibility.
Changing the default visibility preferences will not overwrite the visibility levels selected for existing individuals items. To change the visibility level of individual items, use the visibility selector next to them.
Step 2: Populate your data
Good Enough
1. Add Identifying Information
Name(s) you have used; variations (Susan Smith, Suzy Smith, S.D. Smith)
Email address; at least one non-institutional one
2. Most recent employment
3. Most recent education
4. Funding; can be added manually or with “Search & Link” wizard selecting DimensionsWizard
5. Works; can be added manually, “Search & Link” wizard, DOI, PubMed ID, or BibTeX file
Best Practice
1. Add Identifying Information
Name(s) you have used; variations (Susan Smith, Suzy Smith, S.D. Smith)
Email address; at least one non-institutional one
Websites & keywords
2. Employment history
3. Education
4. Qualifications
5. Invited Positions
6. Distinctions
7. Memberships
8. Service
9. Funding; can be added manually or with “Search & Link” wizard selecting DimensionsWizard
10. Works; can be added manually, “Search & Link” wizard, DOI, PubMed ID, or BibTeX file
This video will give you an overview of the ORCID record,and show you how logging in with your ORCID iD can identify trusted organizations to auto-populate your record.
A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record from ORCID on Vimeo.