Citations in a My Bibliography account can be deleted using the Manage Citations tool. Check the box next to the citation and from the Manage Citations tool, select Delete Citations.
If a work has been associated via NIH Manuscript Submission system (NIHMS) or a Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), the citation to the work cannot be deleted as an association has been made between an award and the work. Select the Awards link to the right of the citation in My Bibliography and a pop-up box will display all awards associated with the work. Hover over the box to the left of each grant award to learn if the funding has been associated in NIHMS or if the work has been reported on an RPPR.
Contact the NIHMS Help Desk to remove the association.
Contact the Public Access Policy Help Desk to remove the association. eRA Commons will notify you when the association is removed so you can delete the citation. To expedite your request, please include the following information: