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Public Access Policies: Other Federal Agencies

This guide provides basic information regarding the public access policies of U.S. federal agencies.

CDC Public Access Policy

The CDC has released their updated policy for public access to scientific publications that arise form CDC funding.

Based on the updated CDC Policy:

  • The CDC Public Access Policy requires funded authors to submit their final peer-reviewed accepted manuscript to the National Institutes of Health Manuscript Submission system (NIHMS). NIHMS will facilitate submission of the works to PubMed Central and the CDC Stacks
  • All peer-reviewed scholarly publications authored or co-authored by individuals resulting from CDC-funded activities are made freely available without any embargo or delay after publication.

Effective Date

The original CDC Funded Publications Policy was applicable to peer-reviewed publications published after July 15, 2013. The updated CDC policy was finalized April 8, 2024.  "For extramurally funded authors and manuscripts, compliance with this version of the policy is effective upon the issuance of the next award (new or
continuation) after the finalization of the policy."

Submission Methods

A CDC-funded author must submit an electronic version of the author's manuscript to the National Institutes of Health Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS) upon acceptance for publication.  

For additional information on using NIHMS, please see the following:

Manuscript Version Required

The manuscript version required is the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript. This manuscript is the version of the article that has been accepted for publication and includes all changes made by the author during the peer-review process. It does not include the publisher's formatting.


For peer-reviewed manuscripts, the CDC will use its CDC Stacks digital repository system.  Publications will also be hosted in PubMed Central (PMC).