The Department of Defense incorporated their public access requirements into the latest version of DoD Instruction 3200.12, "DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP), Change 3" published on December 17, 2018.
Submission of DoD-funded journal articles to the Defense Technical Information Center is required.
The final peer-reviewed manuscript is the version that should be submitted to the DoD's system.
The final peer-reviewed manuscript is the version of the article that has been accepted for publication and includes all changes made by the author during the peer-review process. It does not include the publisher's formatting.
The time before an article will be freely available to the public is typically called the embargo period.
For the DoD, the embargo period is 12 months from date of publication.
For peer-reviewed manuscripts, the DoD uses the Defense Technical Information Center's database. Submissions for most academic researchers (those without a government CAA or PIV card) occur through the Multi-Agency Submission Interface:
For additional information, please see the DoD Public Access FAQ
You can now search PubDefense, the Defense Technical Information Center's database for DoD-funded public access journal articles.