Endnote is a citation management software program. It allows you to organize a large number of citations and has useful features like full text retrieval and a "cite while you write" plug-in for Word. Washington University does not have institution-wide access to Endnote, but it can purchased at a reduced rate (see link below). Endnote is also available to use for free in Becker Library on the research pod computers.
Research Pod computers in Becker Library have statistical analysis and other types of software that might be useful to you for your scoping review:
Covidence is a screening and data extraction tool for conducting comprehensive reviews, like scoping reviews and systematic reviews. It allows screening to be more efficient and easily tracked. It is available to Washington University School of Medicine students, staff, and faculty through the library’s subscription.
The main steps for Covidence:
1. Upload search results as an RIS file
2. Covidence will automatically deduplicate records
3. Screen abstracts for relevancy by two or more reviewers
4. Screen full text using inclusion and exclusion criteria
5. Resolve disagreements
6. Complete data extraction after customizing templates
7. Conduct risk of bias assessment
8. Export data into RevMan or Excel
Contact your project librarian if you are interested in using Covidence for your scoping review project.