2. When searching a National Library of Medicine database (Medline), why is it preferable to use a subject heading (MeSH) instead of a natural language term (textword)?
3. Medline is the premier biomedical literature database but, there are other databases you should keep in mind when searching the biomedical literature and the life sciences--for example EMBASE, Web of Science etc';.
When searching a National Library of medicine database (Medline), why is it preferable to use Medical Subject Heading (MESH) instead of a natural language term (textword)?
How to construct more tailored searches using Boolean logic (AND, OR, and NOT)
No matter which search engine, the principles of Boolean operators are consistent.
Becker Library Journals (Print & Electronic)
All Journal Titles – Searches for all journal titles, print and electronic, available through Becker Medical Library.
Getting Organized with EndNote
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