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Open Access : Other Open Access Initiatives

Other Open Access Initiatives

The Washington University Open Access Resolution, passed in 2011, encourages faculty to make its scholarship and creative works freely and easily available to the world community. Faculty members are encouraged to seek venues for their works that share this ideal. To advance the goals of the Resolution, Washington University Libraries and Becker Medical Library have invested in the Open Access initiatives described below.

Open Access initiatives

Open Access Initiative Description
arXiv WashU is a member institution of arXiv, a preprint repository for physics, math, computer science, quantitative biology and finance, and statistics.
Center for Research Libraries (CRL) WashU is a member of CRL, an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries. Founded in 1949, CRL supports original research and inspired teaching in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences by preserving and making available to scholars a wealth of rare and uncommon primary source materials from all world regions.

Bepress/Digital Commons@Becker

Becker Library provides Bepress, Digital Commons@Becker, a digital repository for hosting the scholarly work created at Washington University School of Medicine and enhancing its visibility and accessibility to scholars, researchers, and the public.
Bepress/Open Scholarship Open Scholarship is service of University Libraries that provides free access to scholarly materials authored by members of the WU community. The repository contains reprints of faculty articles, book chapters, original journals and books, conference materials, theses and dissertations, undergraduate research, special course projects, and other creative works.
HathiTrust WashU is a member of the HathiTrust, is a partnership of academic and research institutions that provide a comprehensive digital archive of published literature from libraries around the world.
Knowledge Unlatched KU’s online marketplace provides libraries and institutions with a central place to support OA collections and models from leading publishing houses and new OA initiatives, including transitioning monographs and journals from paywalled to OA. WashU has participated in “unlatching” through KU via financial support for open access titles.
Open Libraries of the Humanities (OLH) WashU is a member of OLH, a platform for publishing open access journals in the humanities disciplines with no APCs.
Open Textbook Network The Open Textbook Network is a diverse community of higher education institutions that promote access, affordability, and student success using open textbooks. Open textbooks are funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. WashU has consortial community membership in OTN through MOBIUS.
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition WashU is a Full Member of SPARC, a global coalition committed to making Open the default for research and education.
SSRN WashU is a member of SSRN, an open access preprint community specializing in social sciences, including economics, law, corporate governance, and humanities for scholars to post their early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer reviewed publication.
Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL) WashU is a member of TRAIL, which identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports.

For more information: WashU: Micah Zeller; WashU Medicine: Cathy Sarli