For suggestions or comments, contact Erin Linnenbringer, Assistant Director
For technical issues, contact Debbie Thomas
The Program in Genetic Counseling is an innovative, 21-month Master of Science program that will prepare graduates to become certified genetic counselors.
The mission of the Program in Genetic Counseling at Washington University is to educate future generations of genetic counselors to serve the growing need for diverse, culturally humble, innovative genetic counselors serving patients, working in industry, and conducting research.
The objectives of our program are to provide a rigorous curriculum, broad and robust clinical experiences, and expert research guidance to graduate students who are well-prepared to fill the ever-expanding professional roles in which genetic counselors may be employed.
The program takes place over 21 months: Fall and Spring semesters in the 1st year, the intervening summer between 1st and 2nd year, and Fall and Spring semesters in the 2nd year.
Our students will take nine didactic courses which have been specifically developed for the program. The course content and pace will be driven specifically to accommodate the learning of this small cohort.
Our students will also enroll in 2 required and one elective course available to students in other WUSM training programs. The two required courses, “Current Topics in Human and Mammalian Genetics” and “Genetics and Genomics of Disease”, are also taken by predoctoral students in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at WUSM.
During the first year, students will observe both in clinics staffed by genetics professionals (genetic counselors, geneticists) and in clinics without genetics professionals.
Students will complete 5 clinical fieldwork rotations during their second year: