We offer e-books from the following publishers and collections, please note that access is selective: not all books from all collections are available to the Becker Library. These subscription sites are accessible to WUSM faculty, staff and students. Please review copyright statements on the site before using any images. Most of the sites permit users to download the images for non-commercial instructional purposes, as long as the source of the image is included.
This comprehensive selection 40 authoritative texts—covering the 6 core clerkship rotations—is ideal for clerkship students, faculty, and directors and coordinators.
- Over 150 cases, broken down by rotation
- Covers core rotations of Internal Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Surgery, Family Medicine, and Psychiatry
- Users can search or browse content across all rotations or filter to a specific rotation
- All content optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile usage
- Complete chapters are downloadable and printable, and can be shared with colleagues
- Great resource for both core didactic content, as well as review content through review series titles and Q&A