1. SciENcv tool in NCBI.
SciENcv is a feature in My NCBI that creates biosketches. Education, employment, research activities, publications, honors, research grants, and other professional contributions can be included in “profiles.” eRA Commons and ORCID account holders who have linked their accounts to My NCBI can have their SciENcv profiles automatically populated with the information stored in their biographical records. My NCBI users can create multiple SciENcv biosketches and can opt to allow for public viewing of select biosketches. A delegate feature is also available with SciENcv.
How to Access SciENcv?
2. Word template. (Note: Effective May 2025, SciENcv will be required to generate a biosketch.)
SciENcv is not required for creating a NIH biosketch as of August 2024. SciENcv will be required as of May 25, 2025.
Users are recommended to have their My Bibliography accounts created and updated before using SciENcv to create a biosketch.
SciENcv users can also create biosketches using data stored in their ORCID records. By linking an ORCID account to an NCBI account, users will be able to auto-populate biosketches using the personal statement, education, employment, publications and research awards information stored in ORCID records. See My NCBI – ORCID Author Data Integration with SciENcv.