- Improve quality of scientific research
- Extend research relationships and networks
- Foster interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research
- Share expertise and knowledge transfer
- Efficient use of funding resources
- Reduce duplication of research efforts
- Enhance scientific and publishing productivity
- Share resources such as specialized equipment
- Accelerate dissemination of scientific findings for community benefit
In a 2001 article, Beaver outlines 18 reasons for collaboration:
- Access to expertise.
- Access to equipment, resources, or “stuff” one doesn’t have.
- Improve access to funds.
- To obtain prestige or visibility; for professional advancement.
- Efficiency: multiplies hands and minds; easier to learn the tacit knowledge that goes with a technique.
- To make progress more rapidly.
- To tackle “bigger” problems (more important, more comprehensive, more difficult, global).
- To enhance productivity.
- To get to know people, to create a network, like an “invisible college”.
- To retool, learn new skills or techniques, usually to break into a new field, subfield, or problem.
- To satisfy curiosity, intellectual interest.
- To share the excitement of an area with other people.
- To find flaws more efficiently, reduce errors and mistakes.
- To keep one more focused on research, because others are counting on one to do so.
- To reduce isolation, and to recharge one’s energy and excitement.
- To educate (a student, graduate student, or, oneself).
- To advance knowledge and learning.
- For fun, amusement, and pleasure.
[Source: Beaver, D. D. Reflections on Scientific Collaboration (and its Study): Past, Present, and Future. Scientometrics, Vol. 52, No. 3, 365-377. 2001. page 373. DOI: 10.1023/A:1014254214337]